Yes, we have busy and on the go. I am going to catch
my blog up by using pictures. This post will cover the end of January all the way through April.
We have been busy with birthday parties, gymnastics competitions, school events, and much more.
Happy Spring!!
Celebrating Kaden's Birthday at Chuckie Cheese.
Mallie acts like it is her birthday.
Loves his new racing Chuck

Kaden loved his Thomas cake.

Kaden was getting good at this game.
Kaden loved his Thomas cake.
Kaden was getting good at this game.
There was to much going on for Kaden!
Blowing out his candles
Watching and listening to everyone sing "Happy Birthday"!
Mallie helping Kaden open his presents.
Too Cute!!!
Abby and her sweet friend Taylor at the January meet in Augusta.
Abby in her warm up suit ready to compete.
Abby with her medals! Way to Go Abby!!!!
We really enjoyed season tickets to the Georgia Gymdogs!
The girls got floor passes and Abby got to be a "runner" for the gymdogs at one meet!
The day Abby got to be the "runner" at the Georgia Gymnastics Meet!
Smoky Mountain Gymnastic Meet in TN.
Mrs. Crystal always is ready to do our hair for all Competitions.
Ready for floor routine!
Team award!
Enjoying the indoor waterpark at the Wilderness in the Smokies
We had a mini vacation in Pigeon Forge, TN.
Abby turned 8 years old on March 4, 2012.
She is growing up way to fast!
Abby and the girls enjoyed swimming on her 8th Birthday at the Aquatic Center in Augusta, GA.
Abby and her friends at her 8th birthday party!
Abby's celebrated with the family at Outback for her family (8th) birthday party!
The girls competed in Savannah at a meet in March.
K-5 field trip to Chuckie Chesse with their Senior buddies!
These are a few photos from Kaden's three year old photo shoot.
I love them!!
March 28th, Mallie's class had graduation pictures taken. It is so hard to believe Mallie will be graduating from K-5 in two months.
Mallie with her senior buddy Katy.
She loves Katy!
Spring Break we enjoyed granny's pool all week and a day trip to the lake. I love spring time!
Kids playing at the lake (the water was so cold)
Mallie enjoying the lake!
This is where we spent our Spring Break -- all most everyday the kids had somebody to come over to swim. It was a great relaxing week at home.
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